Cryptocurrency capitalization grew about 400%
Are you watching the panic on the market? People are scared, that their massive profits are about -40% down. It is necessary to realize that the cryptocurrency capitalization has grown since October about 400% in January. Also, You can look on snapshoot from 3rd December 2017. Do you think, that this is normal market move, that some asset will make a 4x evaluation in 3 months? Certainly not.

We are at the beginning something much bigger than this funny numbers.
Cryptocurrency is the big step forward in human history. Now, it is clear that the cryptocurrencies will be here forever. This technology brings power back to the people and probably will enable the creation of new unique technologies, which will change the whole world. There are very ambitious projects like Ethereum, Golem, BAT or IOTA, which can change a lot of things, how we currently know. It is clear, that the cryptocurrency market sooner or later the market will appreciate the real value of coins.
The market view
If you compare market capitalization of major cryptocurrencies so it’s comparable to big companies from SP500 and the whole cryptocurrency market is big like Facebook or JP Morgan. If stocks are to be as successful as expected, it is necessary for the market to reach a much bigger number like now.
Cryptocurrencies are a new financial space and market, which is very young and the public misunderstood. The amount of money in cryptocurrency market is so small, that these DIPs are absolutely logical and it makes sense. If you compare cryptocurrency capitalization to standard stocks market, there is the difference because capitalization of the stock market is about 69 trillion USD. This is about 138x more then cryptocurrency market (calculated with 500 B USD market size).